- The Animation Workshop, 2008-2012 (
A bachelor degree in character animation. First year is 2D, Second year is 3D and third year is spend on a short film made in groups, collaborating with CG artists from school
- The Drawing Academy, 2006-2007 (
12 months of basic drawing principles within the subjects of croquis drawing, long-term drawings and sketching
- School of Art & Design, 2005 (
12 months of basic drawing within the subjects of architecture and design
- Aarhus Business College, 2001 - 2004 (
Related Work:
- Short film Production at The National Film School of Denmark ; “Mini Freaks”, "Last hope for mission doom", Animator, sept. 2010 - nov. 2010
- DADIU (Danish Academy Of Digital Interactive Entertainment) gameproduction, Animator, May 2010
12-15 students, each specialized in certain areas of production, gather and produce a game in 5 weeks. The game is made in Unity.